Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Everybody talks about gender equality, what is the meaning of gender? It defines that person is male or female now people are saying that male and female organs are different, so how gender equality is implemented gender equality is not based on the organs it is based on the rights and respect, in the ancient era, women had many rights but when we move in the middle era, we see, how men are separated women, now we are in the modern era and everyone knows that our government and NGO support the women and their rights, we all are humans then we are any gender, so no one has rights to judge anyone on the based on their genders

We perform responsibilities
- The women literacy rate is below that men’s, so our NGO promotes girl education, it also comes under the rights.
- Many families are below the poverty line and they cannot afford the education of their children
- specially girls so we enrolled them in the nearby school and sponsor their higher education.
- If any girl wants to learn any new skills, our volunteers support and teach them and it gives new opportunity of work to them.
- We ensure that all girls get equal opportunity and facilities, because we want to see them independent.
- We organize the weekly workshops related to-menstruation, self-defenses and aware them about current situation of women in the world so it gives them power to grow.
- Our team and volunteers are always in touch with them and their families.
- We monitor the actually need of them and then we start working on it.

NGO'S Support
Our NGO (step up helping hands) always take a stand for women, because women are most important for this globe and we all know that one woman plays many roles ex-she is a daughter a wife, a sister, a birth giver, working person and most important she care taker of her family after the maritage, no one take place of women.

What we want?
We want no one can harass them, we want to stop rapes and mishappening by girls and we want that people are also take a stand for their life, because she is also the human and it hurts when someone trash their life, our NGO is also in support of mission; save daughter, teach daughter.
What is our motive?
Our motive is to make a woman fearless and strong, so it can face the any situation no matters the problem is mentally, physically, emotionally or financial we make them able to face it in easy manner, we went dowry free country, because it is also the big problem in some families and places too, they burn them for money torcher them and sometime it goes to the divorce, our last but not least motive is to educate those girls who really want to do something for the nation empowering them is the main motive of our NGO; it gives them opportunity to serve our self to the society and nation.